Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday - Saturday
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Smoking and diabetes unfriendly to gums


Gum disease can be of two forms. GINGIVITIS is the superficial form that involves bleeding and inflammation of the gums in response to the presence of bacteria called PLAQUE. Gingivitis [...]

Smoking and diabetes unfriendly to gums2018-08-11T00:43:51+00:00

How to take care of the mouth after tooth extraction


when one has a tooth extracted or removed or pulled,they are left with a wound in the mouth for a few days.Taking good care of this sore site in the [...]

How to take care of the mouth after tooth extraction2018-08-11T00:33:08+00:00

Brushing without toothpaste


Ever heard of Dry brushing?Or practiced it? This is brushing your teeth without using water or toothpaste. and why would we advise such a thing as dry brushing? To help you  [...]

Brushing without toothpaste2018-07-13T21:16:26+00:00

The Healthy Mouth Baseline


The Healthy Mouth Baseline is a tool we use at our office as a standard for setting goals as the health of your mouth affects the health of the rest [...]

The Healthy Mouth Baseline2018-07-13T21:06:52+00:00

Teeth Grinding Conundrum


Did you know that God designed your teeth not to come together unless you are eating or  when swallowing?Should they come together when you are not eating or swallowing,then they [...]

Teeth Grinding Conundrum2018-06-14T22:37:16+00:00

Is Dental Treatment Expensive?


  This is one of the questions that dentists dread.We are sometimes accused of being money-minded. First of all, I think we can all agree that everyone would prefer to [...]

Is Dental Treatment Expensive?2018-06-14T08:15:39+00:00

Toothaches in Pregnancy!Such a dread!


My first encounter with a pregnant woman in need of pain relief was during my internship in Mulago National Referral Hospital.she had been trapped in a burning house and inhaled [...]

Toothaches in Pregnancy!Such a dread!2018-05-11T00:11:21+00:00

Want to make those teeth whiter?Here are the options


One of the number one questions we get asked frequently  is "How can I make my teeth whiter?" "Should i use charcoal,should i use baking soda?should i use salt?",are some [...]

Want to make those teeth whiter?Here are the options2018-05-02T11:49:54+00:00

The Villagers Have Better Teeth


    Every time i visit my ancestral home  in Rukungiri i am amazed at how the kids  have straight teeth compared to their age mates in the city, and [...]

The Villagers Have Better Teeth2018-04-11T13:27:18+00:00

5 Ways to Reduce Your Child’s Sugar Intake


Dr. Mary Hayes, pediatric dentist and ADA spokesperson, shares with all parents and their children… “Sugar is fun to eat, but not good for your teeth!”  We echo these sentiments at CODE clinic and [...]

5 Ways to Reduce Your Child’s Sugar Intake2018-03-21T10:20:09+00:00
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